& resources
Stringed instruments Conservation & Restoration services
- Conservation & restoration services are available to public institutions, private collectors of musical instruments, performers, teachers, musicologists & researchers.
- Conservation & restoration of plucked and bowed strings, keyboards before 1830, historical woodwind and selected non-european instruments.
Examples of instruments restorations
Click on gallery for details

Consultancy and
Collection Management Services
- Collection acquisition, management, curatorial services, policy and planning, exhibition development, planning and management for both public and private collections, permanent and travelling exhibitions.
- Valuation, identification and appraisal of antique and historical stringed & keyboard instruments.
- Research: Technical and historical organology, cataloging, historical design & performance practice for stringed instruments.
- Lecturing, theoretical & practical teaching of making and design, conservation, curatorial practice, history and organology
Published articles
A number of published resources are available on request. Below is a selection of themes covered:
- Baroque Renaissance – A Matter of Style: The Strad, March 1985.
- Das Populäre Instrument – Historical Development of the Guitar; Holz Aktuell, Vol.5, 1986.
- The Baroque Lute and Its Construction: Studien Zur Aufführungspraxis, Michaelstein, Germany, 1986.
- Examination and Treatment of Corrosion in Brass Instruments, Michaelstein, Germany, 1985.
- The Construction of the French Viola da Gamba: Australian Association of Musical Instrument Makers, 1987.
- The Guitar in the 19th Century – Technology & Technique; Catalogue of the exhibition of the Hurlston Collection at: 4th Darwin International Guitar Festival, 1999
- An Invitation to the 19th Century Guitar: Supplement to Gendai Guitar Magazine, 2000/No 420 (In Japanese)
- European Revolution: Acoustic Guitar, Feb 2002; String Letter Publishing, San Rafael, CA, USA
- Inventing the Modern Guitar – Johann Georg Stauffer and the Viennese School of Guitar Making: Lecture Series, 5th Darwin International Guitar Festival, Music School, Northern Territory University 2002.
- Jakob Stainer’s Influence in England and the Baroque Revival In Australia: Ian Watchorn, 2003 – 1st Australian violin Maker’s Conference, Guildford, Vic 2003
- Historical Information about Viol Bridges; VdGSA Newsletter 2001
- In the Belly of the Viol; VdGSA Newsletter 2000
- Jakob Stainer’s Viol Instruments; Chelys, VdGSA Journal, 2004
- An Enharmonic Guitar by René François Lacôte, Paris, Ca. 1850’ Description & Restoration Report: Ian Watchorn, Melbourne, 1990.
- Reconstructing the French Viol Bow; in: The Conservation, Reastoration and Repair of Stringed Instruments and their Bows; IPCI Canada 2008.
- The Viol in Winter: VdGSA Newsletter 2002
- Viol Stinging – Some General guidelines: VdGSA Newsletter 2005
- The Lute Made Easie – Lute Society of America Journal 2023
Restoration Reports of stringed instruments
Restoration reports are available on request.
- Guitar by Louis Panormo 1833
- Early 18th Century Violoncello Piccolo
- Mid-17th Century English Bass Viol
Guitar D’Amore, Thomasz Zach 1850-1856 - Guitar by Louis Panormo Ca. 1828
- Guitar – Lagnani model Terz -by Letz
- Violin by Matthias Hornsteiner, Mittenwald, 1795
- Legnani style Guitar Attrib: C.F. Goram, Markneukirchen, ca. 1840
- Lute by Joachim Tielke, Hamburg 1706
A violin by Thomas (III) Edlinger, Prague, ca. 1700.
Rare violin by Thomas III Edlinger (1662 – 1729).
Guitar by A. Guiot, London, ca. 1830.
Interesting English style Guitar built by the elder member of the Guiot family.
A guitar by Panormo, ca 1820.
Restoration of a Guitar and accompanying Period Case.
Technical Drawing of Guitar by Vicente Arias, Ciudad Real, 1875.
Clear technical drawing of Vicente Arias’ guitar.
7-String Violin – Scottish – Aberdeen/Mollison Ca. 1770 – 1800.
Unusual 7-string violin of the late 18th century.